Sunday, May 6, 2007

About me

Hey everybody. It is my first time to do blog and I hope it is not the last time to me. I will begin my blog by writing my profile and I hope you enjoy reading it. My name is Khalifa Saleh Al-Hammadi and my nationality is Emirate. I was born on 9 February 1987 in Sharjah. People born in February are very clever, can be blind in love and get very emotionally involved. They are always faithful. I spent most of my life in Sharjah only last year I came to Abu Dhabi, I felt so difficult to make a friends. However, now I have made loyal friends especially in the college and with my neighbors. I study in Abu Dhabi Men’s College and my program is Higher Diploma engineering (common year) level 2. The next year I am thinking to become a Chemical Engineer. I finished my foundations year in Sharjah Men’s College. My GPA last semester in level 1 is 3.20 and my ambition is to have GPA more than 3.50 in level 2. Moreover, I studied Chemistry, Mathematic, English Communications, Information Technology, and Engineering Technical Practice. My favourite subject is Mathematic. I like solving problems and I'm good in it. My favourite hobbies are playing football, watching TV, chatting with people, read stories and walking in the chornice. My favourite club is Manchester United and I hope they going to win European Champions League. My best player is Christen Ronaldo. This is a review of my life and I wish you enjoyed reading my profile.

Purpose of my blog

The purpose of my blog is to show the people what is the global warming, when did started the global warming, the main causes with one specific cause, the main effects with one specific effect, how can stop global warming in the future and how can give the next generations safe world without any problems. In my blog, you can find the answers for all these questions and I will try to give you the main ideas of global warming. Another thing, you can see in my blog I but some pictures about global warming to show the causes and effects and in my blog archive you can find the photo collage global warming enjoy looking the pictures. Moreover, an Inconvenient Truth is the film about global warming by Al Gore. My blog is English project for level 2 in Higher Diploma and I will try to do all my skills to get the best marks in this project. In addition the project is prepared by Paul Grant who is my English teacher.

What is Global Warming & "An Inconvenient Truth"

Now, I will explain some information about global warming by definition of global warming and description what is global warming? The definition of global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near surface air and oceans in the last 50 years and its continue more years with increase the temperatures. Actually, most of the increase in global averaged temperature since the mid 20th century is very possibility due to the observed increase in pollution of greenhouses gas concentrations, which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouses effects. Other externals such as solar variation and volcanoes have probably a warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950, but a cooling effect since 1950. Nowadays, the increase in global temperatures can causes sea level rise, changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. Other causes my include changes in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer stream flows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. In the future, how changes climate will vary from region across the globe. Also has got too resolved, regarding whether anything should be done to reduce or reverse future warming, or to deal with the good result. Most national governments have signed the Kyoto Protocol to try cutting down the greenhouse gas.

“Review of the film"

The name of the film is "An Inconvenient Truth" and the film is documentary programs. The date of the film is on 24th May 2006 in the theatres. Al Gore's new Global Warming movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is coming soon to a theater near you. The film explains the science of global warming with Al Gore's personal story and lifelong obligation to stop global warming. Al Gore's new film "An Inconvenient Truth" offers the best opportunity we have ever had to capture the immediate attention of the all people in the world especially in the Americans people and move this country forward quickly to stop global warming. While the problem is urgent. The solutions are clear with American government and president. We can stop happening disaster and restore the world's confidence in our values. Let's work together to make this movie a success, and turn the people interest into action. (These some of words by Al Gore was told in the film).

Photo Collage about Global Warming

This pictures are showing the causes & effects for Global Warming.

All causes of global warming

You have many causes of global warming and I will explain some of them. Actually, there are two main reasons of global warming or the increase of temperature in planet earth. Some of them are coming from human activities and some of them are coming from natural sources. For instance, the emissions are produced by nature from volcanic. Scientists have concluded that human activities are contributing to global warming by adding large amounts of gases of carbons to the atmosphere. Our fossil fuel use is the main source of these gases of carbons. Every time we drive a car to such as go to college or work, use electricity from coal fired power plants, or heat our homes with oil or natural gas to cook the food. We release carbon dioxide and other heat gases of carbons into the air and we don't give any necessary about what can it do for the humans and for the natural in the world. The second most important source of greenhouse gases is deforestation, mainly in the tropics because the trees are can only do clean the air from heat gases of carbons by absorbing the carbon dioxide from air and give the Oxygen into air.

One cause is Cow Flatulence....!!!

Here I will tell you about how the cow flatulence is causing of global warming. Some of people are don't know about it. I choosed this cause to show the people and try to give some information about it. It has been estimated that 9 to 12% of the energy that a cow consumes is turned to methane that is released either through flatulence or burping. A huge number of factors affect methane emission, including diet, barn conditions and whether the cow is lactating, but an average cow in a barn produce 542 liters of methane a day, and 600 liters when out in a field.
These estimates were made using a trace gas (sulphur hexofluoride) that was released at known points within a barn containing 90 cattle. Levels of this trace gas and CO2 are then measured 30 metres downwind of the shed and thus they can estimate how much CO2 is released per cow per day. All this methane can add up to a significant amount. Australia's 140 million sheep and cattle are estimated to produce one seventh of the nation's total greenhouse gas emissions, whilst America's 100 million cattle also are major contributors.

All effects of global warming

You have many effects of global warming and I will explain some of them. Actually, an increase of a few degrees won't simply make for pleasantly warmer temperatures around the globe. Even a modest rise of 1.1°-1.7°C could have dramatic effects. In the last 10,000 years, the Earth's average temperature hasn't varied by more than 1.0°. Temperatures only 5°-9°F cooler than those today prevailed at the end of the last Ice Age, in which the Northeast United States was covered by more than 3,000 feet of ice. Scientists expect that continued global warming on the order of 2.5° over the next 100 years, is likely to result in:

  • A rise in sea level between 3.5 and 34.6 in. (9-88 cm), leading to more coastal erosion, flooding during storms, and permanent inundation.
  • Severe stress on many forests, wetlands, alpine regions, and other natural ecosystems.
  • Greater threats to human health as mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects and rodents spread diseases over larger geographical regions.
  • Disruption of agriculture in some parts of the world due to increased temperature, water stress, and sea-level rise in low-lying areas such as Bangladesh or the Mississippi River delta.

How to reduce CO2 in UAE?

The most important action we can take to slow global warming is to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases. Governments, individuals, and businesses can all help. Governments can adopt a range of options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including:

  • increasing energy efficiency standards
  • encouraging the use of renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar power)
  • eliminating subsidies that encourage the use of coal and oil by making them artificially cheap
  • protecting and restoring forests, which serve as important storehouses of carbon

Individuals can reduce the need for fossil fuels and often save money by:

  • driving less and driving more fuel-efficient and less-polluting cars
  • using energy-efficient appliances
  • insulating homes
  • using less electricity in general

Businesses can increase efficiency and save substantial sums by doing the same things on a larger scale. In addition, utilities can avoid building expensive new power plants by encouraging and helping customers to adopt efficiency measures.

UAE media & global warming

Climate change will devastate every continent

Dubai: Global warming and pollution will damage every continent on Earth this century and affect billions of people, a UN panel said yesterday in the most comprehensive assessment yet of climate change. The drafting of the report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), predicting among other things that global warming will hit poor countries hardest and threaten nearly a third of the world's species with extinction, was fiercely disputed during a week of negotiations, ending with a marathon 24-hour session. Publication was delayed on the final day after several countries objected to tough wording, sparking charges of political interference from one delegate. '); //--> At US insistence, drafters dumped a paragraph that said North America was "expected to experience severe local economic damage and substantial ecosystem, social and cultural disruption," delegates said. Poor to be hit hardest The report says Hima-layan glaciers face shrinkage of up to 80 per cent, directly endangering billions of people. The worst affected regions will be the Arctic, which will see the biggest and fastest temperature increases, and sub-Saharan Africa. The report is the work of hundreds of scientists who reviewed scientific, environmental and socio-economic papers on the impacts of climate change. "If no action is taken the planet will soon be dramatically different," Dr Lara Hansen, Chief Scientist of World Wildlife Fund's Global Climate Change Programme, told Gulf News from Brussels, where the report was released yesterday. Nearly 30 per cent of all species are estimated to be "at high risk of irreversible extinction" if average temperatures rise more than 1.5-2.5C, as predicted by the end of the century. Damage to Earth's weather systems from greenhouse gases will change rainfall patterns, punch up the power of storms and boost the risk of drought, flooding and stress on water supplies, the IPCC said. "Poor people are the most vulnerable and will be the worst hit by the impacts of climate change. This becomes a global responsibility," IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri declared in Brussels.

By Tom Clifford, Assistant Editor, International
Published: 07/04/2007 12:00 AM (UAE) Reference:

My comment is I agree with Tom Clofford about global warming and what he said in the article (global warming and pollution will damage every continent on Earth this century and affect billions of people). We need the solutions to solve this problem and we need all the people try to make world clean without any polution. I enjoy reading the article and i take some information in it. I put the website below the article if we need to check and read it.

What this blog thought me

Finally, in the end of this project I taught many things during do this project. First, before I do this project I didn't know any things about global warming. However, after I finished searching in the internet and doing this project I know every thing small and big about global warming. Moreover, I never knew anything about global warming until I did this report. It taught me a lot of things about what has happened and what is happening on Earth. In addition, the causes and effects of global warming and what can the people do for stop the high temperature on Earth. During do these projects, I read many topics have many opinions from many people and everyone have any opinions or information about global warming please tries to give me. Global warming is something that is definitely happening and we can be able to stop it, only as much as possible. Therefore we need to do the changes that will take place before it is too late and the global warming is happened. As I said, global warming might not hurt us but it will definitely hurt our next generations in the future. Now, some people start thinking about the future generation and not for themselves and try to get used to the changes to get to a solution to this issue. Many people or governments will not agree to this because they don't care for the future generation and they are like money more than any thing in this Earth. Governments can play a big role to reach for a solution. In conclusion, I want to say for all people and for all who care about global warming "one world, one global government, one currency and one law applicable to the entire world population".